Executive Directors

Over 140 leaders spanning the campus meet monthly as the Executive Directors Working Group (EDWG).

Chris Bush is the 2025 EDWG Chair. Laura Hassner, Darren Cooke, and Moose O'Donnell are the past chairs.

Executive Directors Working Group

AAPI Data at the Asian American Research Center

Karthick Ramakrishnan and
Fontane Lo

Advanced Bioimaging Center Srigokul Upadhyayula
Bakar BioEnginuity Hub Jeremy Alberga and Susan Jenkins
Bakar Climate Labs Jeremy Alberga
Bakar Fellows Susan Jenkins
Bakar Institute of Digital Materials for the Planet Sarah Jones
Bakar Labs Gino Segre
Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry Megan Arnett and Tom Mckeag
Berkeley Center for Health Technology (BCHT) Kimberly MacPherson
Berkeley Center for Jewish Studies Etta Heber
Berkeley Center for Law and Business Angeli Patel
Berkeley Center for Law and Technology (BCLT) Wayne Stacy
Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics (BCSP) Andrea Venezia
Berkeley Changemaker(R) Laura Hassner
Berkeley Climate Change Network Bruce Riordan
Deep Tech Innovation Lab Matt Rappaport
Berkeley Discovery Leslie Harlson
Berkeley Energy & Climate Institute Carl Blumstein
Berkeley Food Institute Jeanne Merrill
Berkeley Haas Entrepreneurship Hub Dawn McGee
Berkeley Haas Entrepreneurship Program Rhonda Shrader
Berkeley Helen Diller Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies Rebecca Golbert
Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) Maryam Vareth
Berkeley Institute for Young Americans Sarah Swanbeck
Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative (BIMI) Harpreet Mangat
Berkeley Population Center Michelle Poulin
Berkeley Risk and Security Lab Leah Walker
Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center Michael Cable
Berkeley Space Center Darek DeFreece
Berkeley Wireless Research Center Kenneth Lutz
Blum Center for Developing Economies Maryanne McCormick
Business Contracts and Brand Protection Michele Huff
C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute Larry Rohrbough
Cal NERDS Diversity STEM Student Center & Programs Diana Lizarraga
California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3) Donna Hendrix and Kaspar Mossman
California Policy Lab Evan White
Campus IT Experience Wes Johnson
Center for African Studies Martha Saavedra
Center for Catastrophic Risk Management (CCRM) Rune Storesund
Center for Computational Biology Xuan Quach
Center for Consumer Law & Economic Justice Ted Mermin
Center for Effective Global Action Carson Christiano and Temina Madon
Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases (CEND) Julia Schaletzky
Center for Environmental Research and Children's Health (CERCH) Donna Dahrouge
Center for Global Public Health (CGPH) Hildy Fong Baker
Center for Healthcare Organizational Innovation Research (CHOIR) Salma Bibi
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) Julia Byrd
Center for Law and Work (CLAW) Christina Chung
Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment (CLEE) Louise Bedsworth
Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC) Ann Cleaveland
Center for Race and Gender Ariana Ceja
Center for Security in Politics (CSP) Adrienne Fulk
Center for Social Sector Leadership Jill Vialet
Center for the Study of Law and Society Pamela Erickson
Center for Workplace Culture and Innovation Martha Gerhan
Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging (CEDA) Elie Draper
Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice Arneta Rogers
CITRIS and Banatao Institute Camille Crittenden and Gale Berkowitz
CITRIS Policy Lab Brandie Nonnecke
Civil Justice Research Initiative Anne Bloom
College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS) Adrian Hill, Maryam Vareth, Meredith Lee
Computational Research for Equity in Legal Systems (CRELS) Harpreet Mangat
Computational Social Science Masters at Berkeley (MaCSS) Anthony Suen
Criminal Law & Justice Center Chesa Boudin
D-Lab and the Digital Humanities Claudia Natalia von Vacano
Disabled Students' Program Carmen Varela
Educational Programs and New Initiatives at CDSS Jacob Gallice
Energy and Biosciences Institute John Coates and Robert Thiago
Energy Institute at Haas Andrew Campbell
Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership John Robichaux
Geospatial Innovation Facility (GIF) Nancy Thomas
Global, International and Area Studies research hub (GIAS) Akasemi Newsome
Greater Good Science Center Jason Marsh
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute (HWNI) Barbara Peterson
Henderson Center for Social Justice Savala Trepczynski
Human Rights Center Alexa Koenig and Betsy Popken
Human Rights Program Lynsay Skiba
Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E) Laura Hassner
Innovations for Youth (i4Y) Marieka Schotland
Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) Brad Ringeisen
Institute for Business & Social Impact Adam Ross
Institute for Business Innovation Chris Bush
Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) Lori Ospina
Institute for South Asia Studies Anirban Gupta
Institute for the Study of Societal Issues (ISSI) Deborah Lustig
Institute of European Studies Akasemi Newsome
Institute of Governmental Studies Ingrid Lee
Institute of Governmental Studies (IGS) Christine M Trost
Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ISEEES) Jeff Pennington
Institute of Transporation Studies (ITS) Amanda Cairo and Laura Melendy
Integrative Cancer Research (ICARE) Group Alice Kang
Intellectual Property and Industry Research Alliances Eric Geigerich
International House Shaun Carver
Jacobs Institute William Humnicky
Jewish Studies Etta Heber
Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public Lea B Witkowsky
Kavli Energy NanoScience Institute (ENSI) Negest Williams
Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP) Laura Stock and Yasin Khan
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – Energy Technologies Area (ETA) Shruti Deorah
Life Sciences Entrepreneurship Center (LSEC) Darren Cooke
Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life Hannah Weisman
Marvell Nanofabrication Laboratory Sharon Norris
Master of Bioprocess Engineering (MBPE) program Jason Ryder
Master of Molecular Science and Software Engineering Sean Butcher
Masters in Translational Medicine Verna Rodriguez
Miller Institute Hilary Jacobsen
Native American Student Development (NASD) Nazune Menka
Neurotech Collider Lab Gail Gannon
News & Media Relations Will Kane
Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study Akasemi Newsome
Possibility Lab Emily Swide
QB3 Central Kaspar Mossman
Robinson Life Science Business and Entrepreneurship Program (LSBE) Deepa Prasad
Science@Cal Dione Rossiter
Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing Kristin Kane
SkyDeck Caroline Winnett
Stone Center for Environmental Stewardship Madhavi Colton
Social Science Matrix Eva Seto
Sustainable and Impact Finance Initiative TBD
The Berkeley Language Center (BLC) Kimberly Vinall
The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center for Data Science & Environment (DSE) Kevin Koy
The Lawrence Hall of Science Florencia Ramos and Rena Dorph
Townsend Center for the Humanities Rebecca Egger
Tusher Strategic Initiative for Technology Leadership Bowman Heiden
UCSF UC Berkeley Joint Program in Computational Precision Health Daniel Wolfe
University Business Partnerships and Services (UBPS) Amy Gardner
US/China Clean Energy Research Center Carolyn Remick
Vice Chancellor for Research Office Elizabeth Brashers
Wallace Center for Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Lindsay Parham